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Advertising to women part one: Women trust their own

As with most things in life, if you want something done right, ask a woman. And marketing to them is no different. A Ladies’ Home Journal study showed that women took their purchasing cues from other females, and valued a friend’s opinion over any kind of paid advertising.

Women love peer pressure

The study reported that 74% of women’s purchase decisions are regularly impacted by the reports of their peers. And on the flip side, 82% surveyed said that they often share their opinions on products and services.

So how can a brand get in on all this sharing?

– The first step to getting your audience talking is to make your content shareable. The idea behind your product or service should be strategic and relatable.

– A brand should also know where their audience is talking to each other. If you are trying to reach young women, focus your content on Instagram and Twitter. And if you are speaking to Moms and older women, focus on Facebook, Pinterest and Linkedin.

– And finally, concentrate on customer service so when your audience starts talking about you, it’s positive.

Today, good and bad PR can spread like wildfire on social media or in break rooms and classrooms everywhere. So if your brand is the hot topic of the day, make it work in your favor.

What do women really want?

The study found that women mainly look for peer recommendations when they are buying food and beverages, tips and travel products and home furnishings. In fact, 19% of survey respondents bought or considered buying something for the home immediately after chatting about it with a friend. So if your brand falls under one of those categories then it’s time to get on the ladies’ good side.

Who do you trust when it comes to making purchases?

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