Better call Saul – 3 ways Breaking Bad has mastered content marketing
From the moment Walter White walked away from the shambles of Tuco’s building, many were hooked on the “Breaking Bad” phenomenon. Along the way, they couldn’t wait to talk about the show’s twists and turns with anyone who would listen. And even subplots with show characters Badger and Skinny Pete becameviral sensations. As the show developed a cult following, AMC capitalized on the buzz in a native and genuine way.
Here are three reasons brands should take a page from Heisenberg and Pinkman and cook up great content that has audiences coming back for more.
1. It gives fans a forum
After episode 6 in the fourth season, Facebook friends and Twitter followers all shared iterations of the famous line, “I am the danger.” Since then, hash tags for distinct lines from the show have been popping up after almost every episode (anyone join in the #amIunderarrest or #saymyname conversations?). AMC has done a great job of furthering conversations and simultaneously cultivating a community of obsessed fans by posting questions, recaps and memorable moments on social networks. #BBaddict was created to generate buzz and spread the word about the last season premiere, which led to a BBaddict app where you can play games and win prizes. If people are reacting to your brand, keep the conversation going by fostering compelling conversations.
2. It extends the brand experience
With everyone talking incessantly about each episode after it airs, AMC capitalized on the chatter by creating “Talking Bad,” an after show that discusses the previous episode with members of the cast and crew. They also created a second-screen “Story Sync” app that allows you participate in polls and trivia and re-live pivotal moments during the commercial break on your laptop, phone or tablet. Because “Breaking Bad” is the type of show that requires close attention, the fans are eating it up. Brands can take a page from movies and television shows by creating a blooper reel from their commercials, outtakes from an online video or a behind-the-scenes photo album on their website or blog. If your audience enjoys the experience you deliver, allow them to experience your brand online, in their own time. It will reinforce your brand and strengthen their affinity.
3. It increases your brand’s viral factor
The “Breaking Bad” website is a treasure trove of geeked-out fan content. Daily blog posts feature everything from cast Q&As and information on the Talking Bad show to a game page with ultimate fan quizzes and sweepstakes. Unique, highly share-able content like a comic book episode recap, a Web page for attorney Saul Goodman, office webcam and e-cards increase the show’s viral factor. By using different mediums to deliver entertaining or useful content, brands can keep audiences coming back long after a traditional advertising campaign has run.